Analytics Translator Kälber, Mielke & Partner AI Business Consultants

Service Portfolio

Analytics as a Service in a nutshell

Xeniath: Our Analytics as a Service application

Analytics Translation

Other AI business consulting cases

Managing Partner

Bernd Kälber, Diplom-Physiker

Over 25 years of diverse experience in Data Science across multiple industries and leadership roles

More then 10 years responsible for AI & Advanced Analytics within the CFO area of prominent international DAX companies

Demonstrated success in translating complex business needs into actionable AI applications

Passionate AI advocate and entrepreneur

Renowned speaker and author

Prof. Dr. Andreas Mielke

Founder of successful AI & Big Data Startups

Over 20 years as Managing Director overseeing the development of AI & Big Data B2B software

35 years of extensive expertise in mathematical modeling and machine learning

Over 30 years of experience in ERP data management, particularly with SAP

Professor for Theoretical Physics at the University of Heidelberg